Airstory Pricing

Try Airstory free for 7 days

Get unlimited projects, storage, collaborators, research cards, uploads, downloads, exports, imports - the works. Free for a week.

Always get everything

...Except a spellchecker. Because most spellcheckers are awful. And grammar checkers get in the way of style, which would make the late great Virginia Tufte cry. If you reallllly need a spellchecker, you can always export your writing to Word or Google.

Airstory Researcher

Capture online research and send it to your projects.

Unlimited projects

Create and use endless writing projects - with full functionality.

Team collaboration

Invite researchers and editors to work with you inside one or more Airstory projects.

Easy exports

Send your writing to Google Drive, WordPress, HTML, Microsoft Word, etc.

Heavy Duty Writer


per month

Pro Writer


per month


Write without borders. Eliminate versioning issues. Avoid battles between file types. Export to multiple formats. Work on the go. Autosave everything. Work light. Go easy on memory. Go paperless. Strut like a champ.

All plans include

Smart documents

Add tabs to your document. (Like Excel. But you can write in it.)

Boards and outliners

Add a kanban board to a writing project as a tab. Click the "outliner" option at the top to see your work in outline form.

Drag and drop

Move your cards around a board, outline or document. Drop 'em where you want. Merge 'em when you're ready to.

Research library

Access cards from across your entire research library, no matter what project you're in.

Show / Hide cards

Wanna hide the cards you've already added to a board, outline or doc? You can do that. Then unhide them if you wanna.


Evernote. Dropbox. Google Drive. Box. WordPress. Instagram. If you've got content somewhere, we've got your integration.

Trusted by 10K+ pro writers from places like these

If Google Docs & Evernote had a love child, they couldn’t have done better than Airstory. I love long form & research-based writing on their platform.

Chris Lema
VP of Product, LiquidWeb

"I’m in love with Airstory. I uploaded a customer interview transcript as a tab in Airstory. Then went through it and clipped all the good chunks into notes. I went from transcript to editing in like 5 minutes. Massive. Epic."

Stephen Hovnanian
Content architect, Sprout Social

Save hours a week by streamlining the research-to-writing process.